
Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)

83 Fashionista Comments - 20 friends
Nobody , - 30/03/2015 23:21 :

Oh my...I'm in love with your current outfit, it's gorgeous and sophisticated!

Bethamine , - 11/03/2015 23:47 :

I was looking at the finalists this week and I remember what you said about the french site (don't know if you read my msg but it was indeed me) there's one this week very similar :P LOL

ChromeHearts , - 22/02/2015 04:57 :

Thank you so much!
Haha, it is considering I managed to break LaF for a while. (The poor Dev's will be sick of me by now, aha. ^^' ) 

Remember , - 21/02/2015 18:36 :

► Thank you very much for your comment. I wanted write a message too but I don't see  what you have written. In short, I love your doll like a candy. *-*

Good lucky in this game.

Your Memories ~ 


Bethamine , - 21/02/2015 17:21 :

I dind't notice your comment! sorry! Yes it's me at the French site I did answer :) said "Oui c'est moi!" LOL


And thank you very much, again! You are super sweet thanks for the nice words! :)

Bethamine , - 15/02/2015 23:37 :

Thanks, and thanks!  :) I'm a fan of ALL your styles lol Wasn't surprised at all when you got 1st place!

Erythie , - 4/02/2015 19:20 :

[b][color=black]Bubulle[/color][/b] est tellement belle, même sur la version anglaise. *:*

KateMiddletown , - 28/01/2015 23:38 :

One more for your collection !


KateMiddletown , - 28/01/2015 23:11 :

Congrats !!


Stellar , - 28/01/2015 23:07 :

WOW, your current outfit is so cool *-*

I like the make-up so much

(Congrats for your 1st place :))

sheridan , - 28/01/2015 22:30 :

thank you


cogratulations for your podium

Nobody , - 24/01/2015 10:48 :

Hi there! 
Yay Bullette on the first place, this is pure bliss!*O*
Congratulations gorgeous lady, you deserved it as your outfits are stunning and unique! By the way I'm fond of the one you're wearing today, as always <3
Have a nice day!

Fove , - 23/01/2015 22:19 :

Don't worry! I never had any problems with understanding your english, as my language skills are also very, and I mean VERY limited. xP
By the way, I'm in love with your current outfit - such detailed and marvelous piece. *o*

paulakiss101 , - 23/01/2015 20:20 :

Fabulous podium outfit - congratulations!

DDA2882 , - 23/01/2015 18:00 :

Congratulations! :)

Shin7 , - 23/01/2015 01:57 :

Oho Bulette on the poduim here too!!!

Bon je t'épargne le full english et te dis juste big congratulation!!!!

Une première place bien mérité ici aussi!!!

Merci pour tout le rêve que tu nous balance grâce a tes tenues ~~

Spend a good week on the top and enjoy it again ^w^

Fove , - 22/01/2015 23:47 :

Congratulations on your first place! Finally! You truly deserved it. 

Imp13 , - 20/01/2015 19:21 :

Thank you sooo much!=*

Syllfi , - 17/01/2015 00:50 :

You are so lovely! I wanted to stop by and show some love for your beautiful outfits! 

eufrozyma , - 12/01/2015 00:20 :

Thank you! It's kind of an honour to hear it from you as I admire so many of your outfits! I simply love your style ♥