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#26 19/10/2022 at 20:05

Posts: 477

Evenin' folks! EmmyAna has granted permission for extention and the round is now expected to close on Friday, 21st. And an estimated guess would be around 21:00 forum time. Happy writing!


#27 22/10/2022 at 05:47

Posts: 477

Round 4 - It Starts with a Rumble
Covers the first two weeks of August

Okay, so you all have heard about the scuffle at the Bar the other night, right? Most of you must have been there and if you weren’t surely you have caught what went down from a friend who was there, or from someone who knew someone who was there. No? I mean come on, you must have caught the curious and asked around when you saw James strutting around carrying his black eye like it was a shiny gold medal or the bump the size of a boulder on Luke’s forehead, preventing him from scowling properly, as the situation deserved.

But you know, if you missed it because you’ve been living under a rock - in that case, I’ll tell you:

Alright, gather around people - it’s time for storytellin’

Yeah, that was it, pretty rad or pretty bad? And this reminds me, of the unspoken rule of conflict and confrontation between Cros and Tigers:

To fights you bring yourself and nothing else. No knives, no tools.

And with this. stuff snowballed, yeah even though July’s past and we are just now stepping into August.

James is really strutting about like he was the unbloodied in the cock fight, but what is the thing about appearances? Yeah, you try to keep them up when things are falling apart. As the Tigers got back to the villa that night it was the big out between James and Rover, as James flipped at Rover’s comment that “Might just be best to leave the kid alone.” answered by a whole string of creative cussing and “What’s the point of you even being here if you are just going to be a”, more heinous cussing, “and not say”, retracted, “thing. Where the”, retracted, “is he?” He in this conversation is sure to be Frank, the lost brother, you might or might not have heard about him. To that Rover just put on that, annoying or hellish charming - depending on the situation, nonchalant smirk of his and said: “Ever considered he might just not want to have anything to do with you?” And then he was out the door. After all of this, add on the female bother he can’t quite figure out how to deal with, strutting is all appearances.

With everything, Rover is hard considering that road leading away from this place. He’s out of the villa, shacking up with Cookie and Mack or Red, whoever might house him. And while the road is calling, he’s waiting for something, or someone, which is definitely a change.

The Crocs might have guessed what would go down at the house that night, and conveniently found themselves elsewhere, as Peggy came giggling home to a fuming Dylan with a “What the,” retracted, “have you been doing?” and it was the start of the fight of the century.

To sum it up, not even Junior’s meddling worked this time and after two days of slamming doors and other outlets of anger, he called in Luke to slap some sense into his brother. And escaping the house for the moment, Junior might wonder just how he could have been so happy lately, and with this being who he is, perhaps it was ever just going to be a summer thing.

Luke was the opposite of successful. It wasn’t if he and Betty had their own troubles, as the deliveries of bootleg to the back door had dried up after the fight, and somehow the little arrangement that had been going on since spring had reached Dale’s ears and deranged by that anger, well, yes Luke and Dale are not speaking at the moment. By the look on Luke’s face as he left the Dale house, he might be angry enough to strangle someone. If it wasn’t that he was so damn tired of the fighting.

One result of Dale’s excellent parenting being that he now has no idea where Peggy is sleeping as she flew out of the house in the end to save herself. She might be sleep-hopping around town, and maybe you will find her at your doorstep one night.

Are you tired of this yet? Well it’s your lives and now you have to go live and deal with them. I wish you good luck. But it’s not like we end there. No, of course not.

At the start of the second week of August a rumor starts spreading that Piglet is preggo, and in the dry summer heat, the rumor catches fire like dry kindling. After a run in with Dylan at the end of the week, Peggy goes awol. And in the end, everything comes down to one night - one night where you all might find yourselves a bit busy. 

Round Requirements
Basic form:  name, age, etc.
Interests:  three please!
Outfit:  A fit or two or three for your outings, absolutely obligatory or you won’t get to play anymore. Ha! JK.
Story:  Focus on the interactions with your extras!

Fellow troublemakers, look here for a moment! Although I was sloppy and fell asleep while I was on closing duty and this round arrived late, the plan is still to close on the evening of the 26th, this round shouldn't be too heavy and neither should next, so I hope it will work out!

Last edited by tricole (26/10/2022 at 21:57)


#28 22/10/2022 at 10:44

Posts: 477








Last edited by tricole (26/10/2022 at 11:19)


#29 22/10/2022 at 10:56

Posts: 522


All About Betty

Thunder road: Recklessness is kicking in, so hell yes! With Jack as her (scared) second
Interests: Lee & Luke!

Pages turned with the bridges burned

Burn all the files, desert your past lives

Moving on was always easy...before

Freedom felt like summer


Last edited by Zaralee (28/10/2022 at 14:44)


#30 22/10/2022 at 11:32

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


THEME SONG Stupid Cupid; Connie Francis

I'll clue you in... DONE

INTERESTS: James/modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif Zeke/modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif Belle

Oops, almost forgot!



Last edited by BambiFoxx (26/10/2022 at 15:53)



#31 22/10/2022 at 15:34

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 144

Billie-Jean Booker
22— Crocodile
Hooker— I mean cashier and painter of French girl's probably

Interests: Belle, Dylan, Luke babies <3

Kilby Girl - The Backseat Lover
Bronze Radio Return - Up On & Over
Bronze Radio Return - Shake Shake Shake









Done! added a small Belle scene at the end

Last edited by Mimira (26/10/2022 at 13:29)


#32 23/10/2022 at 04:12

Posts: 1 832


Mary "Missy" Jameson

Background information

Summer Lovin'? *** Rebel without a Pause
https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/78/moy/62020.jpg https://photo.likeafashionista.com/gb/1/78/moy/62021.jpg

Gang alignment: Crocs

Interests: Peggy (FI), Junior (RI)


Rounds 1, 2, 3 and 4 COMPLETE

Last edited by Dare (25/10/2022 at 07:47)


#33 26/10/2022 at 17:13

Posts: 477

Round 5 - And ends with…
Covers the last two weeks of August, or however long you need

Where should we start? Where we ended? With a couple fleeing a factory in flames, not that they could have known it would go up quite like that, and a handful of others converging with two separate cases at the hospital. Or should we start with everyone being so wrapped up in their own, and the disappearance of Peggy, that they forgot about the trembling Jojo? Because James didn’t. Dylan and Luke shouldn't have. But then Jojo never wanted to burden anyone to begin with, so we shouldn’t blame them too bad. Or if we should trace blame, do we need to start much further back, as far as last year when James’ brother Frank upped and left without a word? Because I think there are a few who know what happened that night, and why it might be relevant in connection to this.

But perhaps we need to start by saying, everyone will be okay. Physically. I can’t say much about the state of your mental health at the moment.

James lost blood, but after a few stitches - his status wasn’t too bad. Jojo skillfully - undoubtedly - managed to avoid causing nasty damages, no intestines, no organs nicked, just cut through muscles and tissue. Which was bad enough for James, as he cursed loudly through the pain until Belle bullied the nurses to give him a higher dose of morphia, causing him to go out with a snap. He would be discharged a few days later, on pain meds and strongly advised to not to do anything strenuous for quite some time.

Coughing and drifting in and out of consciousness during the drive, Peggy came to properly at the hospital. After examination it was ruled that she had inhaled a good amount of smoke but there would be no permanent damages, she would need rest but the doctors wanted to keep her a day for observation, just to be sure. Junior got hold of Dylan in the morning hours and he arrived out of breath and frantic with worry, wrapping his little sister in a tight hug until she was coughing for air. He hardly left the side of her bed for the rest of the day. In the afternoon Peggy, awake with energy, casually mentioned that she now knew she wasn’t pregnant after all, to which Dylan expelled a “thank god”, to which Piglet found her fury again and told him straight - that had she been, she would have had that kid and she would have strapped it to her back, never letting go, loved them and taken care of them better than anyone else could’ve - all to an angry red rising in Dylan’s face, but he bit his tongue. And when she finished her raging rant with barely coughing, it was decided she was well enough to go home.

So, what happened that night?

The Factory

Outside the Bar

With the major attention the bruning factory pulled, it wasn’t until late the next day the police came to inquire about the stabbing which had taken place. By that time Luke had managed to make his way to an awakened James, explaining, by putting all cards on the table, why not to name Jojo when the cops came asking questions. Leaving with an eggshell promise not to, Luke could only hope it wouldn’t be broken if anger struck. And he would do his best to tell it all to everyone in the gang, after the latest events, keeping the secret had proven to be potentially fatal.

With the cat out of the bag - here is what happened a year ago

So, here we are, now you all know and in the wake of events you have to deal with friends, lovers and foes. Where do you all go from here?

And in the wake of things, is there anything I have missed?

Round Requirements
Basic form:  name, age, etc.
Outfit: If it brings you joy
Story: Where do you all find yourself as this summer comes to an end? I’m dying to find out!

Last edited by tricole (29/10/2022 at 21:24)


#34 26/10/2022 at 23:16

Posts: 477








Last edited by tricole (29/10/2022 at 21:38)


#35 27/10/2022 at 04:08

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


THEME SONG Fever; Peggy Lee

THEME SONG You’re The One That I Want; Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta

I'll clue you in... DONE

INTERESTS: James/modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif Zeke/modules/forum/img/smilies/epingle.gif Belle





Last edited by BambiFoxx (31/10/2022 at 10:12)



#36 27/10/2022 at 06:23

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 144

Billie-Jean Booker
22— Crocodile
painter and alternative style therapist?

Interests: Belle, Dylan, Luke babies <3

Kilby Girl - The Backseat Lover
Bronze Radio Return - Up On & Over
Bronze Radio Return - Shake Shake Shake


Done even if I wanted to add more but this is what I have time for

Last edited by Mimira (31/10/2022 at 11:17)


#37 27/10/2022 at 07:24

Posts: 522


All About Betty

Thunder road: Recklessness is kicking in, so hell yes! With Jack as her (scared) second
Interests: Lee & Luke!

Get out your map, pick somewhere and just run

tis the damn season


Last edited by Zaralee (01/11/2022 at 08:44)


#38 27/10/2022 at 16:06

Posts: 1 832


Mary "Missy" Jameson

Background information


Gang alignment: Crocs

Interests: Peggy (FI), Junior (RI)


Rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 DONE

Last edited by Dare (31/10/2022 at 17:28)


#39 31/10/2022 at 17:29

Posts: 477

That’s it, folks! We are at the close. Is this where we bury the hatchets? Put down our guards? Love has proven to be stronger than hate this time around and surely that can guide us better. No matter if you picked up and left for good, with plans of returning or stayed to keep working, for the money and on yourselves – the road doesn’t matter, it’s how you haul. What we know for sure it that the lines between Crocs and Tigers are blurrier now. As for the future, it will have to prove how hard old hatin’ habits die.

What? I’ve nothing more for you, you’ve brought this lovingly to an end. I’ll excitedly skip ahead and catch the last bits of your stories as you ride into that sunset. Not the sunsets of your lives, those are still at the start darlings, but into the sunset of this story. Thank you for bringing me on the ride of your lives this summer! It’s been an absolute blast.

It’s a wrap! I’m going to relieve myself of this narrator-host persona now and inhabit myself instead. Any weirdness and broken English, let’s just attribute all faults to them instead and rid me of any responsibility? Thanks. No, I’m kidding, I’m taking responsibility, especially if you had the tiniest bit of fun, because I had a lot of fun. It made for a good deal of excited squeals and laughter, often suppressed as your stories accompanied me in the silent zone on my never-ending train rides under the month. Now my readings will have to go back to consisting of theory and articles, as I may have some non-fiction catching up to do.

I want to give you all a huge thank you for making this as good as it was. I have some more in depth thanks to bring you, but it might take some time to gather my thoughts, so it will most likely arrive after I’ve had a few hours to catch up after work tomorrow.

In the meantime, this is to those who fancy – a short playlist with songs which, to me, carry meaning in regard to your characters and this whole story. On two platforms, for your convenience:

Spotify | Youtube

The Fierce Crocodiles - aka the three B-babes and Missy

Betty by Zaralee


Billie by Mimira


Bonnie by Bambi


Missy by Dare

The Honourable Tigers

Ellie by J3zab3ll

Caty by Schoggo

Let me just gush a little bit more…

Last edited by tricole (01/11/2022 at 19:37)


#40 31/10/2022 at 19:30

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


An absolutely awesome contest! A good deal of shtick, gimmick, and awesome storytelling on your part. I loved the creativity of this and look forward to your next foray into your hosting shoes.

Thank you for bringing this world and your awesome characters to us!

Also, totally dig the playlist!



#41 31/10/2022 at 20:04

Posts: 1 832

Thank you so much for allowing us all to spend some time in your beautifully crafted world. You did a brilliant job creating both an interesting backstory and fleshed out paper people who were fluid in the most human ways making it a joy to write. I was excited for every round and more excited to see what you dream up next.


#42 01/11/2022 at 08:51

Posts: 522

Ah! Firstly, congratulations on your first hosting gig, it was absolutely delightful.

Thank you for the amazing contest, the wonderful characters, and the lovely world you created for us to play in and build into, and for allowing Betty to step into it. I doubt this part is questionable at this point, but I truly enjoyed writing it: all the characters and personalities, the family, the stories - good parts and the harsh parts - everything.

Thank you for the playlist, too, and, hopefully, we do this again!


#43 01/11/2022 at 10:55

Place: Mörrum
Posts: 144

From concept to execution you did such an amazing job with this contest! Loved the characters and freedom which came with it, and it was just a good time all around. Absolutely looking forward to seeing you host again and hopefully finding the time to join!


#44 01/11/2022 at 18:39

Posts: 477

Thank you all for the kind word, banners are now posted up above. Until next time!


Topic closed

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