
Any insult or request for votes will be sanctioned (definitive ban from the forum.)

242 Fashionista Comments
Sealcutie , - 2/02/2018 01:26 :

Congrats on 3rd place^^ 

CocoChanel34 , - 1/01/2018 11:44 :


amie1 , - 31/12/2017 16:29 :

Wafffle , - 25/12/2017 16:59 :

Thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope you have merry christmas also!!!!

CocoChanel34 , - 18/12/2017 10:43 :

Thank you very much Emmy for your nice compliment ;')))


mona178 , - 1/12/2017 21:39 :

Hello, ur doll is so sweet  (°◡°♡).

CocoChanel34 , - 12/11/2017 11:11 :

A very happy birthday of game to the beautiful Emmy ;')))



IrisDelacour , - 22/10/2017 13:42 :

You are a beauty. I love your actual outfit and by your stars picturs, I can say I also appreciate your style. 


ps : Thanks for your job. By your presence, you make likeafashionista a better place to be.

WagsMcCormick , - 3/10/2017 16:57 :

Happy Birthday!!

boudjakdji2775 , - 12/09/2017 19:53 :

thank you very much!

Horatia , - 9/09/2017 19:20 :

It's nice :) Like being smacked in the face by nostalgia. 

Horatia , - 8/09/2017 13:08 :

To be honrest, I've not much ventured into the forums or community over here! Just keep my girl dressed up pretty and that's about it ;) The forums seem fairly quiet, any way.

comawhite , - 8/09/2017 10:04 :

Love your current look it is so creative =D

Horatia , - 8/09/2017 08:36 :

Wotcha Emmy! Never realised you were a mod here too! :)

Cléania , - 4/06/2017 11:17 :

Cute doll

LostDoll , - 26/04/2017 22:41 :

CocoChanel34 , - 26/04/2017 08:48 :

Very happy birthday for your 1000 days of game Emmy ;')))



Anunitum , - 16/03/2017 14:07 :

Your star dress is absolutely stunning! On what level it is available?

TaylorSwift63 , - 12/02/2017 10:28 :
you are so beautiful♥ and happy Valentines Day ♡
esmma , - 11/02/2017 20:36 :