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3 Fashionista Comments - 8 friends
Kaleenya , - 1/01/2017 15:39 :

Hi! I just found you because I saw your suggestion to be able to reduce the Fashionista's breast size on the forum! Which I approve completely by the way, I had to go through the breast surgery on my French account and I absolutely loathe the way she looks now :')) which is why I'm stuck at level 16 in the rest of my accounts. It's really dumb, but I'm very reticent to do the surgery on my perfectly cute Fashionistas :/ Anyway, sorry for ranting. Just wanted to tell you that, and also that I love your username. I like TPR too (not as much as I used to anymore, though. It mostly brings me memories from when I used to love Taylor and all that stuff). 

Sorry for possibly annoying you with this pointless comment, haha.

Connacemox , - 30/09/2016 08:23 :

Hello. Stopping by to say that I like your music and your voice very much!

Pretty pictures as well. P.S, I remeber you from MissBimbo, haha.

comawhite , - 22/07/2016 14:43 :

Hey there =) I just read your intro and have stopped by to say that I was on Miss Bimbo as well. I don't remember you from there so I doubt you remember me but if you do, I went by Honeybum.


There are quite a few of the old players on this site so you are not alone.


This site is a bit different but once you get to know it you will feel right at home. The communiy is not as strong here but it is a relatively new site so it can still get on its feet.


Anyway I hope you enjoy your time here =)