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7 Fashionista Comments - 4 friends
Farsi , - 8/09/2022 22:56 :

cute jinx cosplay!

WagsMcCormick , - 31/10/2019 21:06 :

Happy Birthday!

braxcutecupcake8 , - 27/06/2018 15:02 :

You look super good every day!

TSONAMI , - 23/10/2017 17:18 :

pretty doll

Roseliza , - 6/10/2017 17:39 :

Your fahionista is very B.E.A.T.I.F.U.L !!! Felicitations !


Kiss, Roselia <3

marysobeautiful , - 14/07/2017 14:48 :

you're soooooo beautiful *0*

Spacey , - 26/06/2017 02:54 :

I absolutely LOVE your doll! I've never seen such unique style! An immediate inspiration!