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#1 05/02/2022 at 21:37

Posts: 497


The last time you lived through the second decade of a century it was the best and the worst of times simultaneously, and you've been around for long enough to actually recognize the pattern when you see one. So far you have enjoyed seeing civilizations grow to golden ages & fall to their demise, only, this time the change is inevitable and the clock seems to be ticking - are you also going to be brought down with it?

The safest bet would be to say time will tell, but the goal is to survive long enough to do that.

What's your problem? It might be the fact the human race is in a perpetual state of war against each other destroying the planet permanently. It could be the fact your kin is having a hard time adjusting, slowly getting picked off, one after another. Or the simple fact you are hiding while you could easily be at the top of this food chain. Perhaps, a little bit of all.

Be what may, these rumours you have been hearing for the last year, two, or more have been proven right. The Synod is gathering after a long time and you want to be there to hear it yourself - what are you going to do about it.

Good evening ladies, my name is Sanja, altho we might have skipped it. Welcome to the casting round, or creature claim of "Once We Were Gods". I'm aiming to host a dark supernatural fantasy, with bits of romance, a dash of politics and hopefully something fun. At the very beginning, I want to say this will be a one-season thing, but if things are fun, this is a universe I would love to explore additionally.

Some of the things I mentioned before, but just in case...

1. Please try to keep in character.
2. Edit, non-edit, some other thing you wanna use for outfits, I'm focusing on stories anyways.
3. Existing relationships: pick & choose the people you are going to have some history with, and I will update it with some additional information, secrets, etc. in the files I sent during the character claim.
4. Synod roles are official, but you are not required to write about the official moments - as, in politics, most fun things happen behind the scenes.
5. Please be mindful of others in the story.
6. Some things are not disclosed for a reason. For example, powers extras have. Everything in due time.


I apologize for the delay, especially to other hosts, and will try to keep it inside my original timeline.

Round I: ends on Thursday, 10 February 2022
Round II: ends on Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Round III: ends on Sunday, 20 February 2022 actually ended on 21 February
Round IV: will end on 26 February
Round V: trying to keep up with the schedule, ending on Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Last edited by Zaralee (24/02/2022 at 15:09)


#2 05/02/2022 at 21:38

Posts: 497



































Note that the relationships are up to date now, unless someone else drops in.

Make sure to keep a lookout on your links regarding some additional information about the extras.

Last edited by Zaralee (08/02/2022 at 14:03)


#3 05/02/2022 at 21:39

Posts: 497

ROUND I: Once We Were...Gods

Upon your arrival, you're greeted at the house door, and in the moments when you are alone with the person of your choice, you'll be briefly informed that you've arrived just in time. Firstly, you'll learn you are staying at the property which belongs to Nastya, and she will be presiding the Synod. Secondly, the Synod should commence in two days time.
Not everyone arrived yet, but the majority is present (see very convenient & mostly randomized chart below, and it can help you determine when you wanna arrive, too).


Before writing more, I'd love to see your form filled. Relationships play a role, and I would love to update the files before assigning the roles for the next round, as well as maybe hand you something to do in this one.

There's more than one house on the property, and while the majority of events take place in this one, you shall be escorted to your room. Normally, each of the so-called pantheons has its own house, everyone has their own room, and this is mostly in case someone wants to mention accommodations.


The first day is reserved for the arrivals, personal things - catching up, meeting people you might not have met, exploring the property. I'll update you on some information your person of choice with share with you individually. You're free to do as you wish - explore the house, talk to someone, try to figure out what the voting will be, do your own thing.

On the second day, there's a rather casual dinner in the great dining hall. And by dinner, it's implied there will be food served - it means all kinds of food, but no live humans - Synod is not the occasion to bring anyone but the participants in. Everyone is free to go hunt during their free time.

On the third day, you will get the first official Synod activity, as the Prolocutor is officially announced: Nastya. She'll decide on the rest during the following day.

Fourth day: the official commencement of the Synod. Just short

The Proculator: Nastya
Speaking for the Divine Pantheon: Dvina & Cedric.
Speaking for the Demonic Pantheon: Rui & Istok.
Speaking for the Spirit Pantheon: Minha & Kiyo.
Speaking for the Human Pantheon: Kordelia & Mire.
Speaking for the Undecided: Kiriko & Aylin.

1. Name. Creature. FC. Place of residence. Motivation (mind you, from now on, it can be changed before the final vote). Is this your first Synod? Interests (up to 3, lemme see if I can manage more).
2. Relationships: your first one was already updated in the unique link, and as for the rest, please post this ASAP & I will update accordingly. When in doubt, ask.
3. Story about the first days. Please include interactions with the extras because of impressions.
4. Outfit(s) for the arrival and the dinner, if you really wish to do it.

1. Why is my person in the human/spirit/demon pantheon? Aren't they (insert the creature here)?
It's a way of showing the origin. Humans have been human at a point, some are not part of any above groups and belong to the unknown, etc.

2. Are our relationships supposed to be different from our interests?
Yes & no. I wanted you to start with some history with people because millennia-old gods would come across each other at least during events like these - and to further the plot, it'd be good to have someone you have some kind of trust with from the first minute. Maybe you kept up with some, maybe you had some issues with others. If you wish to have no pre-existing relationships, that's an option, too.

3. Are the banners on their way?
Yes, I've had some issues with uploading to Imgur.

4. Help me with my relationships!
Okay, I wanted to hear your vision of things and step in whenever I felt the vision you had was not aligned with the extra in question.

5. How long has it been since the last Synod?
Happened in late 1941.

6. Who was absent from the last Synod (1941)?
Absent: Aurelius. Istok. Jackson. River. Sol. Viggo.

7. Who's killable?
Gods are hard to kill, usually are killable by other gods or powerful demons. Lael was rumoured to be powerful enough to kill other gods. The energy comes from their eternal/divine souls.

Demons can be killed. Some die permanently (Rui, Viggo, Istok), some leave this realm/plane and have to be summoned again (Aurelius).

Spirits don’t die unless they decide they will leave this realm and move beyond (to the realm that can be tapped by Tyssa and Mire), but the procedure is not reversible. Otherwise, if their body dies, they will just find another reincarnation (host). Some choose to proceed with a full life (inhabiting a child), some choose a grown person. Angels die in all realms when killed.

Humans can be killed and harmed in any human form which they remain. While they can shapeshift, they have one true human form only. Not that easily killed in their true creature form. Strigoi can be killed by decapitation and burning them alive.

Undecided are individually based. Djinn can be killed by a powerful force equal to their own; they do not get reborn - a rare occasion. Dragons can be reborn in a new body, much like spirits, but they can die far more easily. Morgan shapeshifts, but her true form is the only one that is believed to be killable. Nastya cannot die.

Last edited by Zaralee (10/02/2022 at 15:30)


#4 06/02/2022 at 01:00

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977


NAME: Dvina

CREATURE: Lamashtu

FACE CLAIM: Beatriz Mariano


Dvina thinks they've lived in secrecy for far too long, and it is definitely time to come back to light and reinstate themselves as the apex predators they are.


INTERESTS: Thierry | Aurelius | Lael

Diana ~ Friend going back centuries
Sol ~ friends more so through her friendship with Diana, has not spent as much time with him
Istok ~ On/Off again lover, hang-out buddy
Nastya ~ respects & sympathizes with the bad rep she’s gotten over the years
Lael ~ former friend; assumes he was responsible for the fallout between him & Diana; hasn’t spoken/seen him in over a century
Aurelius ~ has always had a bit of a crush on him but has never gotten around to exploring it for one reason or another
Thierry ~ amused by his mischief-making, friendly but not exactly friends
Tyssa ~ former lover, quite similar in tastes/interests, amicable



Last edited by BambiFoxx (08/02/2022 at 16:51)



#5 06/02/2022 at 07:47

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 597



Paint it Black

Chapter I

FINALLY! Sorry if it feels rushed but I hope it all makes sense.

Last edited by schoggettchen (14/02/2022 at 01:34)



#6 06/02/2022 at 08:01

Posts: 514




Outfits will be late

Last edited by J3zab3ll (10/02/2022 at 20:07)


#7 06/02/2022 at 11:19

Place: Netherlands
Posts: 6 649

»Credit to Schoggettchen«

The queen of voodoo

The colorful feast

The past and the now

Last edited by NinaJones (10/02/2022 at 23:07)


#8 06/02/2022 at 12:35

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Theme: into the mist by autoisolation


True Form // Arrival // Dinner

o. nantonaku

i. wasuremono

ii. saikai

iii. boketo

iv. atarashi

v. yokan


Last edited by Jadis (15/02/2022 at 19:46)



#9 06/02/2022 at 13:40

Posts: 442



Arrival / Dinner / Down time

I. Missed me?

II. New meat

III. Post-dinner discussions

IV. A fox on the doorstep

V. Hunting for company

VI. In a flurry of tails

Some might have gotten lost in confused rush but it should be understanable, I hope.

Last edited by tricole (10/02/2022 at 22:37)


#10 06/02/2022 at 14:23

Posts: 143



Is this your first Synod?: No

Interests: Uriel | Morgan | Viggo


Arrival              |              Wandering Around              |              Dinner

0 - Little Fickle Humans

1 - Clash of Natures

2 - Companions

3 - Idle Conversations

Round Status:

Round 1: Done

Last edited by MistyMisty (15/02/2022 at 13:47)


#11 10/02/2022 at 15:09

Posts: 497

Hi guys! At this point, I'll be closing the round - round two opens this evening after my lecture & follow-up questions are done, so around 22 forum time.

Try to catch up, please )

Also, you asked a lot of questions, I love that, I will add some more of those I replied to that might be useful to know into another round FAQ & wanna remind you some things are deliberately not mentioned out loud, some might come in handy later on when the mystery is bigger and once again, if you have anything you wanna know, ask ask ask )


#12 11/02/2022 at 00:27

Posts: 497

Round II: Once We Were... Demons.

To put it delicately, you might be one of the strangest crowds to be gathered during the Synod - Nastya might remark this herself, and she has seen quite a few of these gatherings. Still, she seems optimistic, and this speaks volumes here - not even nature seems to be working in your favour, as the thick layer of snow keeps getting thicker.

Some ground rules will be set during that first official day, and the fifth day in general. They are as follows.

One, the Synod is not merely a vote - it’s a consensus. Two, using powers to influence or sway any member in the Synod to see your point is highly prohibited and punishable. Three, violence of any kind is simply not going to be tolerated.

Nastya makes sure everyone knows it loud and clear before going further. The discussion coming up next is going to be a long one, but unlike the last Synod where the threat was very obvious, roaring loud, the silent voice that brought them there might be a little bit too concealed for most, and the more the conversation goes on the less everyone is certain of who actually called for the Synod: while the invites were sent out in her name, she assumed it could have been either Morgan, Nico or Lael, but neither of the three takes the blame.

Still, the time is changing, things are not looking up and while she promises she will look into it, things continued.

There’s mention of every great thing happening right now - war, preparation for one, the devastation of nature and those seeking to live by it - and then, as things progress, you quickly reach the things beyond the realm. Signs and whispers. Things that might have been promised, some that might not have. And while part of the room seems to find it farfetched, part believes it to be a warning signal.

What comes out of the conversation is very clear and almost unanimous: things have gone too far without any of the ageless doing anything about it. And in the moments after that, as everyone voices an opinion (well, as most voice their opinion) it has gotten very clear that the conversation will not be quiet or easy.

Sometime around noon, Nastya’s had enough, calling it for the day. Some more time to catch up with friends, enemies and everything in between. Or make new ones.

The second day begins quite late - but when it does, it goes rather easy and well - until it does not (well, for some, maybe not you?). There seem to be four very clear directions Nastya can distinguish from everyone: doing as they did since the last time they interfered and do nothing at all; strategically make some steps to influence the course of history; end the Piscean age and return to polytheism by restoring their perspective religions; and as the final nuance, they wish to return back to what they are compared to the humans - dominant group.

What follows will be a week of discussions - both inside each pantheon and inside Synod as a whole - and during such times, things might become somewhat tedious.

So, cue the prince of the demons putting the use of their huge, huge house to throw a wonderfully lively party and a blasphemous moment for Aurelius’ own enjoyment. And anyone who knows anything about decisions, or rather those making them. Show up for the Seventh Day Soiree - everyone else will.

About this devilish party

While you are all recovering from what seems to be s very eventful evening, two of you will not really wake up - not entirely. Early on the morning of the eighth day, two souls will wake up human.

On the morning of the 8th day of Synod, things will begin very early, loudly, scarily.

Kordelia, waking up near Cedric, realizes she is unable to use any of her powers, and that she woke up human.
At the same time, Dvina is in the same mess. Thierry wakes up next to her, helping her to cope with what has just happened.

Nastya, as the hostess, tries to calm everyone down, asking you all to remain where you are for a moment. Once she returns, two things are known: someone did this on purpose and the essence of both Kordelia and Dvina is still somewhere there as the person who did it to them couldn't have left with such a heavy burden of two souls.

1. Name. Creature. FC. Place of residence. Motivation (mind you, from now on, it can be changed before the final vote). Interests (up to 3, lemme see if I can manage more).
2. Story about the days listed here, and please end at the part where Nastya explains what happened. Please include interactions with the extras because of impressions.
4. Outfit for the party, should you wish to show one.

Last edited by Zaralee (11/02/2022 at 22:02)


#13 11/02/2022 at 00:30

Posts: 497






Kiyo coming right up.
...and you can post!

Last edited by Zaralee (18/02/2022 at 16:39)


#14 11/02/2022 at 10:21

Posts: 442



Outing / Snacking / Devilish party

Of ages past


VII. Coffee break

VIII. Two-way teasing

IX. Snacking

X. Delirium

XI. Walking up to the nightmare


Last edited by tricole (16/02/2022 at 18:06)


#15 13/02/2022 at 17:14

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Theme: into the mist by autoisolation


Round 2 merged with Round 3, so please refer there!

Last edited by Jadis (21/02/2022 at 16:49)



#16 13/02/2022 at 17:28

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 597



Paint It Black

Chapter II

FINALLY! Super rushed and everything but I did it.

Last edited by schoggettchen (20/02/2022 at 19:41)



#17 14/02/2022 at 15:56

Posts: 143



Interests: Viggo | Uriel | Sol


TBA              |              TBA              |              TBA

4 - Tricky Gathering

5 - Restrained Freedom

6 - Unholy

7 - Cracks

Round Status:

Round 1: Done     |  Round 2: Done 

Last edited by MistyMisty (21/02/2022 at 11:17)


#18 15/02/2022 at 14:37

Posts: 497

hi guys! and then there were five, and the second round is closed!

Opening the third one this evening, and with it, an announcement.
Please try to keep up. I'd love for everyone to catch up by the end of round 3. If not, you will skip to Round 4, to keep with the plot /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png



#19 15/02/2022 at 23:49

Posts: 497

Round III: Once We Were...Spirits

Before the sun has settled on the high sky, everyone is aware of the events that took place during the night - while Nastya found herself in an unprecedented situation - and despite caving to the chaos, she reminds everyone there some of you might still not be as familiar with her as you might have suspected.

The storm outside seems to be aligned with the mood - the thick white coat grows taller by the hour.

Wherever you might be around noon, - perhaps angry, perhaps in panic, perhaps utterly disinterested and still asleep somehow - you will stand interrupted by a very clear voice in your mind. (Doesn’t hurt, doesn’t feel uncomfortable, perhaps a short invasion of privacy, but rest assured it was more of a public announcement than invasion.)

“Stop with the panic. We continue the Synod in one hour. Everyone.”

You do meet within an hour, but it becomes clear within minutes everyone’s mind seems to be away. Things get loud really soon, and only the spokesmen are left behind with Nastya, all agreeing that given the situation, it’s better to meet tomorrow at the same time.

The snowstorm rages on.

Nastya asks both Kordelia and Dvina to stay behind for a private chat.

The rest of this day, let’s call it day 1 for the purpose of this very round, you are left to your own devices - more or less so. Personal plots come in handy here, but for the sake of plot, let’s say you are at a particular part of the property when things go super snowy (see: Decision A).

The following day (day 2) - even though everyone is on edge - there’s another human waking up in the house where spirits usually reside: Kiyo.

This brings a sense of urgency to the Synod - the voting is quickly forgotten. Proposing the most strategic thing to do, see if there is someone else around - or perhaps, something else. People split into groups - the three “new” humans stick with Nastya and Morgan unless they decide they would rather risk it and go check the premises.

Every group returns, one after another, and instead of discovery, they bring forward a very scary afterthought: whoever is doing this is with them. The only other possible issue is you don’t know what exactly is happening with exactly.

But, precautions must be made. So, Morgan and Tyssa cast protective spells around the whole house, and each of the pantheon houses, too. Everyone is on the lookout - mostly everyone, actually - and still, the third day starts equally traumatic to one other member of the Synod.

Minha wakes up human, and the footprints outside her window lead towards the main house.

I believe now everyone is worried, at least.

As you gather at the main house, the amount of questions piles up and Lael - in a manner of a distraught war god - announces his theory loudly and clearly. Now, everyone is familiar with the Legend of the Uniter (check the spoiler below).

The Story

The night of the sixth day sneaks up on you easily, and while everyone is listening to Sol, the morning uncovers another human walking among you is none other than Aurelius.

Please finish your story here.

1. Name. Creature. FC. Interests (up to 3, lemme see if I can manage more).
2. Decisions.
    A. What’s closest to your location when the proper snowstorm starts?
        - Divine house; Main house ground level; Main house first floor; Demon house.
    B. Do you go for a search? If so, with whom?
3. Story! Do I need to write out a list?
4. 4. Outfits you wanna make? I mean, feels depressing to do an outfit to mourn (your) immortal soul.

Last edited by Zaralee (16/02/2022 at 23:28)


#20 15/02/2022 at 23:51

Posts: 497


Kordelia, impressions only due to deadline

You can post now /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png

Last edited by Zaralee (20/02/2022 at 22:20)


#21 16/02/2022 at 19:57

Posts: 442



Demon house / Spilling tea


XII. Hellbent

XIII. Another morning

XIV. Into the woods

XV. Hello humanity

XVI. The tea



Last edited by tricole (21/02/2022 at 13:09)


#22 18/02/2022 at 08:06

Posts: 143

Aylin ~


#23 18/02/2022 at 13:40

Posts: 497

Hi everyone!
I'm happy to say I'm giving an extension: the round will not end on the 20th, rather on 21st (Monday, late in the evening).

Happy writing!


#24 19/02/2022 at 02:53

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 597



Paint It Black

Chapter III

https://i.ibb.co/T4rmSJ7/Done-Kordelia.pngAdded Looks

Last edited by schoggettchen (24/02/2022 at 23:20)



#25 20/02/2022 at 13:37

Place: The Half-light
Posts: 365

Theme: into the mist by autoisolation


i. fuon

ii. ichi-e

iii. kensaku

iv. ukiyo

v. bodo

vi. kyo

In progress

Last edited by Jadis (23/02/2022 at 20:40)



Topic closed

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