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#651 15/02/2023 at 12:03

Posts: 442

Hi, I think it's nice that you bring up the subject of round lengths, since dwindling participation has been brought up as a concern it might be something which can help giving ppl time to join and write.

Two week is a pretty long time, especially multiplying it with five, and it might be long enough for ppl to lose the momentum of writing and not finish for that reason, I at least think that would maybe an issue for me. But at the same time, it might be worth a try to see how it plays out in reality, of course then in conversation with the others hosting.

A week, however, I do think is pretty reasonable, as mentioned weekdays can be already packed and then every round and everyone would get a weekend in (or whichever day of the week one has time for writing) + in my book it’s a nice structure to know every round is closing on a specific day, e.g. Monday evening, and so on. As of now I think seven-day rounds contest are usually granted on request, but would we want to make it or longer rounds a permanent thing, I believe we need to take that discussion to the moderator too.

And super exciting to hear that you are plotting Kiki! I really enjoyed when we did Wonderland and something mafia inspired sounds dope!!

That all said, I want to steal a bit of space to say that I won’t be writing for the next 4-6 months, hopefully, but until summer at least, and LOUDLY declaring it here mostly so that I can use you all to hold myself accountable. I will definitely sneak in a read your stories in the meantime.

Last edited by tricole (15/02/2023 at 12:06)


#652 15/02/2023 at 17:36

Posts: 1 808

MissKiki wrote

Hey hey!

I just randomly thought of this -  why don't we increase the duration for write up to a maximum of two weeks per round? I say this because previously my only free time to write was in the weekends, but even then some weekends I had events so it was hard to find time to balance both.

I think that this sounds great in theory but that in practice it could be more discouraging than encouraging for two reasons. First, I think more time to write can mean more time to fuss over details or put the process off and so the contests may be longer but we may still have the same issue with participation. Second, I tend to write in fast bursts so I'm already antsy waiting for impressions. I get this is a me issue but I know that knowing the wait would be over a week would put me off.

MissKiki wrote

Aaaand, since that could mean a story contest could take up to 2 months, maybe we could also let another competition run at the same time? So those who have the time/energy/motivation could join both, while those with busy schedules could comfortably join the one that they are able to?

The idea of concurrent contests could boost participation and spark creativity even without additional time added if we did something like add a leveling system for lack of a better word. The reality is that some contests require more commitment than others because of how they're structured and what the aims are but less of these elements doesn't make for a less enjoyable contest (I hope I'm making sense). So maybe it could work if we ran contests with different levels at the same time so people could join based on their commitment OR maybe (if the hosts were willing and we could get EA on board) the contest could be split into a main quest (like the full primary contest) and then a series of side quests which let you be in the world popping in and popping out as you have time, kinda like the multirounds that follow a theme where you don't have to participate in all rounds (again I hope I'm making sense.

MissKiki wrote

In other news, I have a lot of free time now (har har) so I was thinking of hosting a story, but I just want to know if its something anyone will be interested in.

The story is basically very loosely based on the werewolf/ mafia game.  A cursed town (or is it?) - choose your role/ or I could randomly choose for you (among witch, harlot, insomniac, werewolf, etc)- someone going missing/ dying - your vote on who is suspect (it could be a supporting cast or one of the players) , etc.

Let me know what you guys think  /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png

It sounds interesting, I think time wise for the most part late Spring/Summer may be a good place in terms of getting participants.


#653 17/03/2023 at 10:54

Posts: 103

Thanks for responding everyone! I do suppose a longer time could cause more problems, so I suppose for now I gotta scratch that thought.

Will try to see if its possible to host a week long contest instead.

Again, thanks everyone for sharing your opinions and hope everyone is is doing well!


#654 01/04/2023 at 14:03

Posts: 140

Going to open Verti this coming week not sure on exact date but probably around the 6th of April.
I opened a thread in the arts section where it would be great if everyone who joins posts their interests and connections for the character, it will make sure we get started easier for all of us and we can start writing right away when it opens.

I think almost everyone has seen it which will join but this is just for the general writing community here. Hope you all have a lovely weekend <3


#655 01/04/2023 at 20:16

Posts: 497

Mimira wrote

Going to open Verti this coming week not sure on exact date but probably around the 6th of April.
I opened a thread in the arts section where it would be great if everyone who joins posts their interests and connections for the character, it will make sure we get started easier for all of us and we can start writing right away when it opens.

I think almost everyone has seen it which will join but this is just for the general writing community here. Hope you all have a lovely weekend <3

If we hadn't talked recently, I would have considered this a very mean April fools joke haha

Cannot wait, I'be been itching to write for a while now!


#656 02/04/2023 at 01:05

Posts: 1 808

Mimira wrote

Going to open Verti this coming week not sure on exact date but probably around the 6th of April.
I opened a thread in the arts section where it would be great if everyone who joins posts their interests and connections for the character, it will make sure we get started easier for all of us and we can start writing right away when it opens.

I think almost everyone has seen it which will join but this is just for the general writing community here. Hope you all have a lovely weekend <3

I'm super excited for this; headed over to the arts section in a bit to check it out /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png


#657 07/04/2023 at 12:20

Place: Who knows anymore
Posts: 1 046

Omg hi guys! How are you all??

I'd tried Googling the site so many times over the past couple years and literally nothing came up so I just assumed it closed down! Then today I somehow stumbled onto a review website and the link was there, honestly I'm stunned it's been up this whole time! So many memories came back lol.

I'm pretty busy throughout April but I'd love to join the next contest, if you'll have me



#658 07/04/2023 at 14:05

Posts: 497

Fashion-Chic wrote

Omg hi guys! How are you all??

I'd tried Googling the site so many times over the past couple years and literally nothing came up so I just assumed it closed down! Then today I somehow stumbled onto a review website and the link was there, honestly I'm stunned it's been up this whole time! So many memories came back lol.

I'm pretty busy throughout April but I'd love to join the next contest, if you'll have me


You popped up on my FB (which I was sure was no longer active) the other day and here you are now! We'd love to have you <3


#659 07/04/2023 at 17:46

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

Fashion-Chic wrote

Omg hi guys! How are you all??

I'd tried Googling the site so many times over the past couple years and literally nothing came up so I just assumed it closed down! Then today I somehow stumbled onto a review website and the link was there, honestly I'm stunned it's been up this whole time! So many memories came back lol.

I'm pretty busy throughout April but I'd love to join the next contest, if you'll have me


HELLO! Nice to see you again, I've been a bit MIA but it's always nice to see old faces, I doubt I'll be hosting anything but I adore reading your stories in all the contests /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png



#660 08/04/2023 at 15:18

Posts: 1 808

Fashion-Chic wrote

Omg hi guys! How are you all??

I'd tried Googling the site so many times over the past couple years and literally nothing came up so I just assumed it closed down! Then today I somehow stumbled onto a review website and the link was there, honestly I'm stunned it's been up this whole time! So many memories came back lol.

I'm pretty busy throughout April but I'd love to join the next contest, if you'll have me


Glad you found your way back! You're always welcome to come play in any world I build and I'm sure everyone else feels the same /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/smile.png


#661 22/05/2023 at 10:31

Posts: 497

Hello everyone! I'm considering taking up some space to host something, but before I get myself hyped about something, I'm curious to see if there are any takers (read: anyone with the time & desire to join).


#662 22/05/2023 at 11:51

Posts: 140

Hi! Scares with time but at the end of the week I’ll probs have a little more on my hands and I’ll for sure give it a go since classes are only three weeks left!

Soooo count me in babe!


#663 22/05/2023 at 17:21

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

Zaralee wrote

Hello everyone! I'm considering taking up some space to host something, but before I get myself hyped about something, I'm curious to see if there are any takers (read: anyone with the time & desire to join).

I am willing to join of course... but hit me in messenger in case I forget to check here... lol I keep losing my allowance because I have been forgetting to do my daily tasks...what are you considering hosting?



#664 22/05/2023 at 21:13

Posts: 497

I would need a bit of time to prepare, but I do have to say I might take the idea from Cajsa & do something held in a bubble.

Meaning separate worlds, the same plot, potentially with a difference in extras & certainly with a difference in the outcome.

Edit: I'm thinking either a 1930s train/hotel cosy mystery (combining romance and problem-solving), or a contemporary thriller-ish mystery set on a tropical island. The third option exists, but I doubt it would be good to host tbh.

Last edited by Zaralee (23/05/2023 at 10:39)


#665 24/05/2023 at 16:38

Posts: 497

Okay, gathered ideas. Decided to post them here, in the end, if anyone else stops by!

Depending on the turnout, it can be a bubble contest, or you can share the universe. Given it will be two people right now (and I feel it will either remain at two or go down to one), I want to make it extremely adapted to your own goals.

unnamed no.1
Genre: mystery/romance

Bubble world, meaning you play the main character and navigate through the world. Or, if there are a few of you, it can definitely be a shared universe.

Either way, I want to get some type of direction from you: would you focus on romance, mystery, or both?

You are a reporter travelling from Zurich to Milano for a press event. At this event, a famous Italian carmaker is supposed to present a new car for their brand. The journalist realizes the carmaker is travelling on the same train, and arranges for an interview. Before she gets to have it, the carmaker is found dead on the train and they have to stop at a small Italian lake-front town to solve the crime.

(unnamed no.2)
Genre: mystery/adventure/romance

Bubble all the way.

Either way, I want to get some type of direction from you: would you focus on romance, mystery, or both?

You're a young prodigy in your field. Science, journalism, writing, sports - there's a choice to select from. You get invited to a tropical island owned by a genius billionaire to join him and his closest friends for a week. There's a veil of mystery surrounding the entire setting, but you are very motivated to get inside that circle. Things happen, and shortly after your arrival, the chief security officer is found dead on the island.

unnamed no.3
DC-inspired contest set in Gotham City - role-claim with some pre-set groups and such. It would most likely fit a better turnout, which is why I doubt it would come to life easily.

My idea was morally grey, with a bit of action, mystery, romance, and all else that goes along with this. Both character-driven (motivation, role) and plot-centred (timeline revolves around an event). You don't have to have knowledge of this universe to join, you'd get all the information you might need.

And, of course - I do have the leftover plans for the Gods universe and the Violent Delights, and I kinda have an outline written for another Game of Honey & Ruins universe thing.


#666 24/05/2023 at 20:02

Place: Austria ♥
Posts: 597

Zaralee my schedule is looking okay-ish right now and I really like all of your three ideas, so I'm open to whatever you decided to host



#667 25/05/2023 at 07:49

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

As I've mentioned, all the ideas sound good, I'd be interested in venturing into any of the worlds. I'm also super excited to visit the Gods world since I missed it last time so am hoping you do decide to bring that back at some point (Soonish?  /modules/forum/img/smilies/bimbo/bave.gif )

I personally would LOVE the DC one being a comic/scifi fan but all three sound interesting.



#668 25/05/2023 at 15:53

Posts: 442

Life is a bitch and my mind is not my friend atm, so I'm keeping out of this for a bit longer. But excting ideas and I hope you'll get some fun summer writing out of them!

Mainly popped in to say that I hope you don't bring Gods back around too soonish (sry Bambi) because I got very attatched to the little wierd family we created and would hate to give up a chance to play with them. That's it, I'm off again.


#669 25/05/2023 at 17:58

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

tricole wrote

...Mainly popped in to say that I hope you don't bring Gods back around too soonish (sry Bambi) because I got very attatched to the little wierd family we created and would hate to give up a chance to play with them...

haha... fair! still good to have the second vouch on wanting that back! /vendor/beemoov/forum/../../../public/forum/smilies/big_smile.png



#670 25/05/2023 at 19:20

Posts: 497

All fair requests, I'd say! Gods...yeah, we can plan it for the end of the summer or wing it or something? Right now, I'm itching to host (do something creative).

So, I'll check about the timeline with EA, as I want to give you the comfort of week-long rounds, given I am travelling from the 23rd to the 29th, which would coincide with the last round (should I start tomorrow evening).

The thing I can definitely map out is the bubble contest - a mysterious island.
What I can give you right now is:
- you are a young journalist or an actress or a scientist (your pick, it will influence the story)
- you are aged between 25 and 27
- please restrain from doing the background just yet when it comes to planning, as some of your choices will influence the backstory and vice versa

There are 10 fixed characters in all your stories. The culprit (and motivation) will be different from one story to another, as will the victims.

I think I said most things now? I hope. Guess. Will do my best to start accordingly.

Any questions/anything, feel free to chat (as per usual).


#671 26/05/2023 at 13:24

❤ Fashionistas are some of the kindest people on the Internet!
Posts: 16 047

Howdy! I said this about you all, so I figured I might as well say it to you:
SWC is a pretty great self-governing section.

I rarely speak in here, but check-in regularly. I love how you all work together to host and participate. I've already responded to Zaralee's message.

I hope you continue to enjoy the forum.
Have a fantastic weekend!



#672 27/05/2023 at 14:23

Everything you want is on the other side of fear...
Posts: 977

Zaralee wrote

So, I'll check about the timeline with EA, as I want to give you the comfort of week-long rounds, given I am travelling from the 23rd to the 29th, which would coincide with the last round (should I start tomorrow evening).

I know this has been debated a bit in this thread in the past but personally, I like the week-long rounds. Knowing the exact day of the week my entry is due helps me manage time better... if the round starts on Fri it ends Thur... no more having to double-check the round & calendars.

Zaralee wrote

The thing I can definitely map out is the bubble contest - a mysterious island.
What I can give you right now is:
- you are a young journalist or an actress or a scientist (your pick, it will influence the story)
- you are aged between 25 and 27
- please restrain from doing the background just yet when it comes to planning, as some of your choices will influence the backstory and vice versa

There are 10 fixed characters in all your stories. The culprit (and motivation) will be different from one story to another, as will the victims.

Sounds fun, do you have a time frame on when you think you might want to host this?



#673 28/08/2023 at 12:43

Posts: 497

Hi! If anyone is still present, I might want to wrap up the contest I stopped some time ago. Let me know if you have time/will to pick it back up?


#674 28/08/2023 at 17:23

Posts: 1 808

Zaralee wrote

Hi! If anyone is still present, I might want to wrap up the contest I stopped some time ago. Let me know if you have time/will to pick it back up?

Personally I'd love a bit of a diversion so I'm game.


#675 28/08/2023 at 19:14

Posts: 140

You know I would have LOVED to continue but I do not think there will be enough time for me to manage


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